
How Model Naomi Ekindi Found Solace in the Theater Scene

From time to time, every individual needs something that helps them escape reality. Some find it between the tête-à-tête of a book, some in the composition of a song, and some in the moving frame of a film. Each of us is searching for something – anything – that distracts us from the worries of our life and gives us even the slightest hint of comfort. For Naomi Ekindi, the rising French model, there has been no better solace than theater ever since she was in secondary school.

Born in Paris and raised in London, Naomi spent her childhood constantly moving schools every year. These circumstances may be unbefitting for a child, bearing negative impacts, but not for Naomi. This unpacked situation allowed her to break her shell and socialize with new people. And over the years, she has learned how to mingle with people, leaving them in awe of her every time. However, her parents split up when Naomi was a teenager, drastically impacting her.

Adding to the adversaries were her grades, which left Naomi feeling aloof and lost in life. But this detrimental condition did not last long because shortly after, her saving grace came in the form of theater.

Naomi found her escape and passion on the theater stage. The performing arts gave her an overwhelmingly positive feeling of home, of comfort, of a tap on the shoulder where everything felt aligned and okay. The sense of excitement, the buzzing, and the thrill – she loved it all immensely. Naomi’s adoration for the performing arts has inspired her to become an actress and eventually a director, along with her already successful career as a model.

Currently, she is an IMG model, making waves in the fashion industry. In a short span, she has opened for Dior and worked with other high-end brands. Throughout the previous year, she worked with Dior Magazine, the brand’s lookbook features and beauty and couture campaigns. Although Naomi loves the thrill and work that comes with being a model, she is highly enthusiastic about stepping into the world of filmmaking. Her goal is to make numerous movies that move people, significantly impacting their lives.

Naomi already has two short films under her belt, “The Last Tears” and “In a Corner of My Mind,” both written, directed, and played by herself. She has tackled sensitive topics in both films in such a moving way that leaves the viewers starting much-needed conversations.

In the end, the ultimate dream for Naomi is to make a difference in people’s lives and inspire them, especially minorities, to achieve great things.

Undoubtedly, the future is bright for Naomi Ekindi. To know more about her, connect with her via Instagram.

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