
Influencer Jason Borkland on Life, Purpose, and Endless Pursuit for Adventure

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams – Oprah Winfrey.

Texan conservationist and influencer Jason Borkland may have a wide range of skill sets but has a particular vision he holds on to, which is to unveil the majestic beauty of the unseen world under the ocean— no matter what the danger— and save it for future generations.

Jason is a PADI-certified diver who lives life in the constant pursuit of the next adventure. Whether it be cliff diving in Jamaica, Heli Skiing in Telluride, or swimming with a shiver of sharks in the waters of the Caribbean and Pacific, his expeditions have made him immensely popular in the world of adventurists. According to Jason, life is all about these high-adrenaline rush moments that make you feel alive. They are the ones that inspire you and change you for the better, as a voyage of discovery is not merely in seeking new landscapes or scenery but in having a new perspective on life.

Jason grew up in Austin, Texas, where he owns and operates collision facilities. He says about his early life, “I had what you could call a difficult upbringing, not much contact with my genetic mother.  So, I was on my own a lot of the time growing up.”

At 18, he took over his family business from his father, knowing he had to take care of it someday. Heritage Body and Frame started in 1986 and today is one of the premier auto collision centers in the greater Austin area. It specializes in collision repair, refinishing, and repainting services for fine automobiles. Jason strives to maintain the brand that his father built by carrying the same values of peerless workmanship, top-notch customer service, and a sense of family.

Despite having an established business to run, Jason didn’t give up on his passion, diving. Once he got the time to shift focus, he started proper instructional diving lessons for others. Having an adventurous spirit, it wasn’t long before he ventured into shark diving, which totally blew his mind. He could not believe the beauty and awe-inspiring grace with which these animals existed under the sea was unbelievably awesome. These sights filled him with a sense of duty to preserve these wonders for the future generation. He does so by teaching others how to dive and actively promoting marine conservation.

Jason knows his talent and enthusiasm for adventure are rarely found and can make an actual difference. This is why he is compelled to provide his diving services for research and documentation of our underwater planet at deeper levels. He uses self-captured images and videos on his Instagram handle @Jasonborkland to show the world how benign and wonderful these creatures are and also help people realize the impending disasters if we humans don’t stop harming oceanic animals and ruining their habitats. Jason is the epitome of determination and honesty. He understands that in order to truly stand for something, experiencing it is essential for it to touch your heart and soul. Today, he spends a large portion of his time volunteering his expertise for marine protection, raising awareness and funds for shark research, and ocean conservation.

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