
Top Influencer Peter Sage Has Emerged as a Huge Source of Inspiration for Many Who Are Struggling Right Now

Peter Sage has become a true source of inspiration for millions of people across the globe. At a time in society where many are facing more uncertainty and fear, the ability to find inner strength and confidence as well as be their own source of happiness is a skill set and commodity that is becoming highly valued. This is where Peter shines brightly.

He is a global speaker, high-performance coach, and author of various best-selling books including the award winning ‘Inside Track – the ultimate guide to conquering adversity’. Peter was born and raised in Leicester, UK. He defines his childhood as a great learning experience and one of the biggest lessons was in understanding that everyone has a different ‘model of the world’ that they believe is true. This was demonstrated by the fact his mother was a minister for the Catholic Church and his father was an atheist but they still appreciated each other’s views.

You had these two seemingly diametrically opposed belief systems, living in perfect harmony by not imposing their own judgments on each other. Growing up as a kid in that environment taught me that you can live and let live rather than tearing the heart out of the throat of somebody that disagrees with you

Peter dropped out of high school early and jokingly states he ‘never suffered the disadvantage of college’ boasting that he’s been unemployable from the age of 17. Since then he has set up 25 businesses in two decades, admits he’s failed more times than he’s won and has zero regrets. He recalls that one big epiphany was after he made his first million in his early twenties, he realised that he was outwardly wealthy and internally bankrupt. Spotting the fact he had built his entire success out of avoiding the insecurities of not feeling good enough, he threw himself into understanding human behaviour so as to help others at all levels of their own journey escape the limiting patterns of self-doubt, self sabotage and the need to avoid the fear they are not enough.

Today, his insights, training and philosophy have helped everyone from the homeless to members of royalty discover the fastest ways to gain success and happiness in all areas of life. 

He is known for teaching self-mastery and helping you stop being the hurdle to your own dreams. He states: “One of the biggest challenges I see is that people fail to recognise that they will never rise above the opinion of themselves. Therefore before you rush out to learn another skill, attend another course or start another business, work first on building a rock solid sense of self belief and self esteem. From there everything else works as a rising tide lifts all ships.”

If you are looking for the shortcut to greatness, you can get your copy of Peter Sage’s amazing book and hop on to the inspiring fast-track journey of self-exploration and development.

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